2026 St. Patrick’s Parade 5K

Event Information:

Join your fellow parade revelers and runners for the Official 11th Annual St. Patrick’s Parade 5K! Run or walk before one of the countries oldest St. Patrick’s Parades, the route begins and finishes on Peachtree Road and winds through Midtown, Piedmont Park and finishes on the parade route on historic Peachtree Street! This unique race and lively post race parade is not to be missed.

The 5K starts and finishes in front of Fado’s Pub Midtown on Peachtree St. 1 free beer for 21 and over participants when finished. DJ, beer, snacks leading up to the parade right in front of the pub!

Then at 12PM, Midtown goes green for the annual Atlanta St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Enjoy our premium parade viewing area on Peachtree Street and all the sights + sounds you’ll experience.


$200 in gift cards from Big Peach Running Co. and Fado Irish Pub

CREATE A TEAM! Largest team (online registrants only) will receive a $50 gift card for Fado! Make sure to select Create a team or Join a team when registering!

All finishers receive a special St. Patrick’s Parade finishers medal! It’ll be nice, shiny and metallic for 2026!

Age group award winners, 3-deep M/F: 9 and under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+. $100 Big Peach gift cards for top Male/Female winners and $25 for top M/F Masters (40+) winners.

The 5K is “chip” timed and measured by USTAF standards but not a Peachtree Qualifier at this time.

In addition, overall male and female will be able to ride in the Atlanta St. Patrick’s Parade!


Register for the race HERE


2017 Video: https://youtu.be/s0OFqIns6rw


Saturday, March 14, 2026 – 9:45 am start time (parade starts at noon) Starts and Finishes on Peachtree St near 14th St.
Race morning packet pick-up/t-shirts will be at FADO.

Entry Fees:

• $35 Until February 23, 2026
• $40 After February 23, 2026
• $45 packet pick-up/day-of race
• $25 for 12 and under participants
All participants will receive a t-shirt, finisher bling and a finish picture. Must be registered by 3/01/26 to guarantee a t-shirt, otherwise while supplies last.

CHARITY: Council of Intown Neighborhood and Schools (CINS)


Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, and animals are not allowed in the race. Headphones are strongly discouraged.
Start Rules:
• All participants start at 9:45 AM
• Walkers are welcomed but must start at the back of the pack and finish within 1 hour.

Aid Stations:

Aid stations containing water and sports drinks will be available on the course.

Time Limit:

The time limit for the 3.1 miler is 1.0 hour. Once the streets are re-opened and course support shut down, any remaining runners/walkers will need to move to the sidewalks or picked up the SAG vehicle.


Pre- Race Packet Pick-Up:

Big Peach Running Co. Midtown: Friday March 13th 11am-2pm

2019 Finisher medal:



We need your help and receive a t-shirt and beer too (if you’re 21+)!
Please click here to fill out form or email Julie@iwelife.com and mention St. Patrick’s Parade 5K




Posted Here!

Event Web Page:



Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
No. But if you plan to receive your complimentary beer you must show ID. Don’t forgot it race morning!

What are my transport options to get to the event?
MARTA’s Midtown Station is 2 blocks from Fado’s.

Where do I park?
There is ample parking near Fado’s.

What can/can’t I bring to the event?
Bring clothes to wear for watching the parade afterward.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Is my registration/ticket transferable?

Can I update my registration information?
Yes. By logging in to your registration

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